Coronado Island, San Diego
A Beautiful sunset on Valentine's Day weekend, 2010
It's always interesting to find the hidden talents of strangers when you ask someone to take your picture without any instruction. This woman did an amazing job capturing all the elements I would have wanted in the picture myself. ♥
Joshua Tree, California
Me & a Tree, 2010
Originally went to Joshua Tree to help Frank and his boss film for a Matel commercial, and then I started roaming around and taking my own shots and making the whole trip a creative experience for all of us. :)
Malibu, CA
The Heavens Radiate Their Greatness, 2010
I always find myself returning to this place, and no matter what happens, I will find peace and serenity atop this cliff at Point Dume. I have never seen a location so breath taking and felt nature speaking for herself the way she does here in this place. This defines PEACE.
Skinny Best Friends, 2010
As we all know, trying to frame a picture of yourself and nature the way you want it is VERY difficult sometimes, and every once in a while, strangers come down the path and save the day. On this particular occasion, Frank & I were having some issues with framing, and these two guys in skinny jeans came down, and just looking at them screamed "ARTIST!" so i trusted that they would do a great job. Another point for strangers & great pictures!
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